Aluminium Windows Versus Wooden Windows

Aluminium Windows Versus Wooden Windows

  Making the choice between aluminium windows and wooden windows is not always the simplest decision. Many homeowners assume that wood is always the best option. While there is no doubting the charm that wood offers to homes, there are a number of things to...
Aluminium Window Design & Planning

Aluminium Window Design & Planning

Appearance Because of the present-day trend to simplify the exterior appearance of houses by eliminating unnecessary and costly decoration, architectural expression in houses is obtained to a large degree by the relationship of window areas to solid wall areas. The...
Veranda Enclosure Ideas for 2024

Veranda Enclosure Ideas for 2024

A veranda enclosure can transform your outdoor area in many ways, creating an inviting space and a seamless flow from indoors to outdoors. Unlike regular open verandas, enclosures offer protection against the elements, while still giving you the benefit of having an...
Can You Soundproof Windows?

Can You Soundproof Windows?

Most of us living in South Africa are exposed to high levels of noise pollution on a daily basis. The rapid pace of urban development, traffic congestion, aeroplanes, taxis, diesel generators running during loadshedding and construction work are just a few examples of...